Start having conversations with your fellow protectors, campaigners and trouble-makers to dream big about what you can bring to Blockade IMARC, 25-27 October 2021! Maybe a dance session, join the medic collective, run a workshop, write up a piece for the newspaper, hold a discussion with people you know about what extractivism is and how we can live instead. Send us your ideas and questions, we can organise workshops, send you resources and offer you many more different kinds of support. Contact:
1 March 2021 – Sand mining company pulls out of Papua New Guinea
A campaign to stop sand mining along 38 kilometres of Papua New Guinea’s Madang coast has been successful.
Deadline 31 March 2021 – Call for imaginings ~ Una llamada para la imaginación
Here’s the invitation: What would a world without extractivism look like for you? This can take many forms. We’d love to see your drawings, paintings, collages, or other pieces of art; murals; poems and songs; short videos; or any other response you can think of. New and old work is welcome, and all skill levels are appreciated.
10 February 2021 – Aussie mining magnate nursing a bruised ego and legal black eye
An Australian mining magnate has been dealt a bruising legal smackdown by the South African legal system which he sought to ‘weaponise’, seemingly to bully and silence lawyers and environmental activists. The landmark legal case is set to shape future laws and tame intimidatory legal tactics by corporations, known as SLAPP suits.
05 February 2021 – Northern Territory Permanently Bans Seabed Mining
Seabed mining will be permanently banned in the Northern Territory after an almost decade-long moratorium on the destructive practice runs out next month, the territory government has announced.